Why is coffee so desirable in cosmetics?
It lifts the mood, gives us energy and makes us happy. Yes, it is a coffee without which we cannot imagine a day. For many of us, the daily morning routine is indispensable. We can sit with friends for hours and slowly drink it and enjoy its taste, and little can lift our spirits as quickly as this indispensable food. Once upon a time coffee had a bad reputation. Its consumption has been associated with an increased risk of heart disease, increased stress responses and other negative effects. However, coffee is now gaining a well-deserved reputation.
In addition to excellent taste and aroma, coffee has healing properties, which is why it has been used for centuries as a means of "polishing" the skin and removing cellulite thanks to caffeine, which helps expel water from the body and promotes the breakdown of fat deposits. When applied topically, caffeine narrows blood vessels and reduces swelling, such as areas under the eyes.
Coffea arabica, the oldest and most popular type of coffee, native to Ethiopia, is becoming increasingly popular in the world of cosmetics. Coffee beans are traditionally used for their soothing effect on the skin, and thanks to the numerous benefits in skin care, we are increasingly encountering it in cosmetic products.
Benefits of coffee in cosmetic products:
- An excellent source of antioxidants - protects the skin from free radicals
- Anti-age effect
- Hydrates and refreshes the skin
- Firms and smoothes the skin
- Reduces dark circles
- Helps fight cellulite
- Stimulates circulation
- Reduces stretch marks, wrinkles and scars
- Anti-inflammatory properties - reduces swelling and puffiness
- Reduces redness
- Antibacterial properties
- It helps in treating acne

Coffee is the best source of antioxidants
Various studies have shown that coffee is the largest source of antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause damage but also skin aging. At Scranton University in America, they measured the proportion of antioxidants in more than 100 different foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, spices, vegetable oils and beverages. They then took into account the usual consumption of each food analyzed and calculated the contribution to the total antioxidant intake. It turns out that the average adult ingests 1299 mg of antioxidant coffee (the average American drinks 1.64 cups of coffee a day). In second place is tea with 294 mg, followed by bananas (76 mg), beans (72 mg) and corn (48 mg). These results, of course, do not mean that coffee can replace fruits and vegetables, which is much better from an overall nutritional standpoint given the high content of vitamins, minerals and plant fiber, but it certainly pleases all coffee lovers.
Many will agree that once they give up caffeine in the afternoon they sleep better and have more energy. For anyone who thinks the same, the good news is that decaffeinated coffee also offers a lot of health - it contains antioxidants and increases alertness.
One of the most important elements of skin care is certainly antioxidants, they prevent its aging and protect it from free radicals. Potassium, niacin, magnesium and vitamin E can be found in coffee, which keeps skin cells hydrated, fights acne and wrinkles, has an anti-inflammatory effect, protects against UV damage…
It guards the heart
The latest news also goes in favor of coffee: coffee does not increase the risk of heart attack, and may even have a protective effect, scientists from Harvard Medical School announced. Over five years, they examined the link between coffee and heart attack risk in 32,650 Swedish women aged 40 to 74. In the analyzes, which took into account possible other factors, the team of scientists found that women who drank five or more cups of coffee a day had a 32 percent lower relative risk of heart attack compared to those who drank up to four cups. coffee.
Scientists believe that some coffee ingredients can be used in the production of new drugs for heart disease and insomnia. They focused their research on so-called chlorogenic acids. There are several biological mechanisms by which the risk of heart attack could be reduced. Coffee contains phenolic compounds (antioxidants), which can reduce stress. In addition, it has been shown to help the body make better use of insulin and protect against type 2 diabetes.
Protects the liver
A study by U.S. scientists, conducted on 125,000 people, found that coffee can alleviate the negative effects of alcohol on the liver. It has been found that at least one cup of coffee a day reduces the risk of liver cirrhosis by 20%. The results, published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine, state, among other things, that the beneficial properties of coffee were more pronounced in people who drank higher amounts of alcohol, and that coffee had no effect on other liver diseases.
Against allergies
Researchers from South Korea claim that coffee has a preventive and curative effect on several allergies, among which is sometimes the deadly anaphylactic shock in people who are allergic to bee or wasp stings.
After exercise
Consumption of coffee after exercise relieves pain caused by intense exercise, say American scientists from the University of Georgia.
The results, published by The Journal of Pain, suggest that moderate doses of caffeine, equivalent to the amount in 2 cups of coffee, can halve the feeling of muscle pain.
The effect of caffeine on reducing the feeling of pain is based on blocking adenosine, a chemical whose secretion in the body occurs due to inflammation, researchers believe. In case the findings are confirmed, caffeine could be recommended to help people who are in pain at the start of training, the scientists added. Coffee is healthier than previously thought!
Skin care after sunbathing
Coffee is also used as a soothing treatment for sunburned skin so a coffee scrub is a good choice after the summer to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin while keeping it smooth and healthy.
Fight against cellulite
The first sun often raises greater concerns about our appearance because we know that with warmer weather, less clothing and a more exposed body await us. For this reason, it is important to take care of proper care throughout the year and all seasons.
One of the bigger challenges is certainly cellulite, often referred to as orange peel, which mainly affects the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and the area above the knees. There are various claims about its cause, but one thing is for sure. Cellulite is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, which certainly includes diet, amount of sleep and stress, which has a special effect on each organism.
Cellulite is actually a change in adipose tissue and cells that is caused by certain lymphatic changes. It occurs due to insufficient ability of the organism to get rid of excess waste material.
Harmful substances accumulate in the fat cells located under the skin, resulting in an increase in their volume. The cells create pressure on the skin and cause a visible superficial skin deformity reminiscent of the appearance of the said orange peel.
Lack of physical fitness and poor eating habits are one of the main causes of these persistent accumulations under the skin. Instead of spending on overpriced anti-cellulite serums, invest in coffee instead.
Thanks to the active ingredient caffeine, which penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, it improves blood circulation to the skin and thus provides the cells with a better supply of nutrients. In addition to stimulating blood flow and stimulating microcirculation, caffeine dehydrates fat cells and thus helps fight cellulite.
It is also important to be sufficiently hydrated, which includes drinking sufficient amounts of water, as well as a diet rich in foods with a high water content. This way the connective tissue will remain strong and supple and you may even lose weight.
Try to eat more cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes and peppers that are (along with many other fruits and vegetables) made up of more than 90 percent water.
Coffee-based peeling is also a good solution in the fight against acne, stretch marks, wrinkles and scars.
Coffee has anti-inflammatory properties
In addition, caffeine is a stimulant that narrows blood vessels below the surface of the skin, so coffee also has anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces swelling, puffiness and redness, thus restoring a shiny and healthy look to the skin.
Caffeine improves blood circulation in the cerebral vessels and suppresses ‘errors’ in brain function. Decaffeinated coffee has diuretic properties and prevents nephrolithiasis. Drinking 2-3 cups a day reduces the risk of kidney stones. Three cups of coffee a day soothes an asthma attack due to the fact that caffeine dilates the alveoli of the lungs and bronchi, making it easier to breathe. For those with low blood pressure, it has soothing properties, raises blood pressure to normal levels.
It is rich in vitamin B3, which can be useful in the prevention of non-melanoma skin cancers, but also potassium, magnesium and vitamin E.
However, when it comes to caffeine - sometimes caution is needed. As caffeine affects your body is related to your genes, people who have a slow metabolism may have problems with the heart, blood pressure… In such people, caffeine will not improve physical abilities, on the contrary, it will reduce them.
In some people, caffeine can trigger digestive problems, rapid heartbeat, anxiety.

When used as a cream or mask, caffeine penetrates deeper layers of the epidermis, stimulates metabolism and increases blood flow. Due to the increased outflow of lymph fluid, the skin becomes smoother, swelling and puffiness disappear. The upper layer of the epidermis becomes more elastic and taut, and the small veins that appear on the surface with age become invisible
- natural antioxidants will help smooth wrinkles and increase skin tone;
- chlorogenic acid, along with antioxidants, helps fight free radicals, which constantly have a negative effect on sensitive skin of the face and body. In addition, this component is a natural protective barrier against exposure to ultraviolet rays in summer;
- a huge amount of carotenoids will help fight unhealthy skin, remove yellowness and gray spots. This component is also considered an excellent tool for cancer prevention;
- Collagen and elastane are very important for healthy skin. These substances are not contained in coffee, but it contains polyphenols that stimulate the self-production of these substances in our body;
- caffeine tones and tightens the skin, and also creates a protective barrier against external irritants;
- high lipid content regulates normal water balance;
- The aroma of the grains is given by the essential oils contained in them. This component nourishes the skin with nutrients and moisturizes it. Even when applying cosmetics that contain a small amount of such essential oils, this product can significantly affect a person’s mood. It is the smell of coffee that is useful as an antidepressant
Thanks to many active ingredients that hydrate and firm the skin, coffee body scrub returns your skin to a beautiful and healthy look, while the addition of shea butter in our Coffee and Matcha BABE body scrubs gives the impression of silky smooth and soft skin.
If you are interested in stronger cleansing and exfoliation, Coffee BABE body scrub contains sugar whose granules are larger than coffee and will therefore better remove dead skin cells. Exfoliation based on ground coffee and natural oil will not cause clogged pores or acne. The exfoliation of these two ingredients is suitable for all skin types, and it is recommended to use it once or twice a week for best results.
To get the desired results, clean, taut and smooth skin - Coffee BABE sugar-based and coffee-based body scrub is a great choice for all skin types. In addition to coffee and shea butter, it contains jojoba oil, almonds and wheat germ.